What is the PrimalRes
Channel Manager?

With an impressive track record of high customer retention rates, the Primalres Channel Manager is trusted by more than 9.500 accommodation properties worldwide. Integrated with the webhotelier booking engine, this advanced online distribution platform is tailored for all types of accommodation properties. Whether you're managing direct bookings or listings on major platforms like Booking.com, Expedia, or Airbnb, the system guarantees streamlined operations. PrimalRes Channel Manager enables automatic updates to all popular online distribution channels whenever there's a change in room availability, pricing, or stay rules.

Key User Benefits

Key User Benefits

Effortless Distribution: Streamline inventory and rates across channels for synchronised sales management.

Initial Channel Audit: Begin with a thorough analysis of your existing channels, offering a comprehensive guide for optimal channel utilisation.

Setup and Configuration: Efficiently manage the initial setup, ensuring accurate representation of your property’s offerings.

Automated Consistency: Synchronise rate updates across all channels, with support for channel-specific rate variations.

Data Security: Rely on GDPR and PCI compliance, backed by Amazon Web Services’ robust infrastructure.

Key User Benefits

Key User Benefits

Broaden your property’s market access across diverse OTAs, wholesalers, and GDS.

Real-time Control: Instantly adjust availability and pricing to effectively manage overbooking risks.

Centralised Management: Aggregate all channel bookings into a single, easily accessible dashboard.

Dedicated Support: Receive expert assistance from Connectivity Engineers for setup, inquiries, and customizations.

A Range of Premium Add-ons: Enhance your system with advanced features like bi-directional interfaces, RMS connectivity, and a sophisticated Payments Assistant Manager.

Why use PrimalRes
Channel Manager?

Hospitality Consulting Company Tool - PrimalRes Channel Manager

Streamline accommodation distribution

Effortless distribution

With integration to the webhotelier booking engine, the primalres channel manager simplifies the process of efficiently handling accommodations across numerous online travel agencies and booking channels. This ensures you increase your sales and reach without adding undue operational complexity.

Build brand consistency and trust

Ensure a consistent brand experience by customising the booking engine to reflect your property's unique identity and style.

Increase conversion rates and bookings

Personalise the booking process according to your property's branding to significantly enhance conversion rates and drive more bookings.

Automate distribution for revenue optimisation

Automated distribution for seamless updates

Stop sales once, and all channels update automatically. This automation ensures that your inventory and rates remain consistent across diverse platforms, reducing manual oversight and potential errors.

Tailored rate management for each channel

Beyond uniform rates, differentiate rates per channel when needed. Adjust your rates according to specific channel commission structures and target demographics, thus increasing your booking appeal to a wider range of potential guests.

User-friendly interface for intuitive navigation

Manage your accommodations through a user-friendly platform integrated with the familiar webhotelier system. Quick access and intuitive navigation mean less time spent on tasks and more time focusing on guests.

Technical excellence and data security

Dedicated customer support team

Our support goes beyond the platform itself. A combined team, including Bilingual experts, ensures that your setup, any technical questions, customisation guidance, and general support needs are addressed.

Performance & data security

Your data's security is our priority. Powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) and adhering to top industry standards, you can be confident in both the reliability and security of our system.

Seamless user experience

At its core, our system is about user experience. With seamless interactions and an intuitive interface, our platform is designed to both empower and simplify your accommodation management endeavours.



Seamless Integration

Seamless Integration

Hassle-free connectivity with webhotelier and all popular online travel agencies (OTAs) ensuring consistent rates, availability, and restrictions.

Real-time Inventory & Rate Management

Real-time Inventory & Rate Management

Instant updates ensure consistent availability and rates across all platforms, minimising the risk of overbookings and rate discrepancies.

Channel Micromanagement

Channel Micromanagement

Customise availability and constraints by channel, room type, or rate plan. This empowers you to diversify your sales strategy, maximising potential from each partnership.

Channel Overcomplexity Simplified

Channel Overcomplexity Simplified

Navigate complex room and rate setups derived from various channel characteristics. Our intuitive UI simplifies ARI (Availability, Rates, and Inventory) management, eliminating redundant tasks and providing a smooth operational experience.

Availability Limits

Availability Limits

Set maximum sales limits per channel or automate channel closures based on remaining room availability, giving you enhanced control over your inventory distribution.

Easy Yield Management

Easy Yield Management

Flexibly adjust channel rates for selected dates or periods. Differentiate your pricing strategy across distribution channels and maintain the option to revert to original rates by removing overrides.

On-the-fly Updating & Monitoring

Ensure immediate update dispatches after ARI changes and track their statuses with the Command Log.

Granular Restrictions & Stop Sales Management

Define specific booking rules, such as minimum and maximum stay durations, block certain dates, and more, ensuring optimal revenue and operational efficiency.

Channel-specific Rate Customization

Set unique rates for different channels based on their commission structures and audience demographics, allowing for tailored revenue optimisation strategies.

Unified Dashboard

Centralise management with a dashboard that consolidates bookings from every channel, simplifying property oversight.

Dedicated Customer Support

A professionally trained team ready to address setup, technical inquiries, customisations, and general support needs.

Top-tier Performance & Data Security

With GDPR and PCI compliance and the robust infrastructure of Amazon Web Services (AWS), expect unmatched system security and performance.